Sunday 25 September 2016

Go get 'em tiger

I feel like in this generation it's easy to lose sight of what actually matters. Social media is constantly displaying people dressed in their nicest clothes, at the most popular events, in the nicest cars and it makes people strive for these things just so that they don't miss out. (now do not get me wrong my instagram only shows my best pictures) we're all a victim of it. I can hold my hands up and admit that I've gone to events and places knowing fully well that I won't enjoy myself just so that I can say I've been. Finally, I'm putting the typical party places and holidays on hold and doing something that will better my future. I'm going to the South of India for a month! 

Now, if the bold writing and exclamation mark wasn't enough to tell you how excited I am then this blog will. The past year has been an emotionally draining one for me (I'm not ready to start getting too personal) but put it this way after putting in all your time and effort into a number of people and situations for it to back fire on you it makes you motivated as hell to finally, just finally do something for yourself.

I've aaaalways wanted to work with vulnerable children and volunteering abroad has been something on my bucket list for years. I'm finally making one of my dreams a reality. I've put the deposit down to travel to Kerala (South India) for a month teaching disadvantaged children how to speak, read and write English. Although the trips not cheap, totalling at £900 (without flights) I couldn't let the price put me off.

What will I be doing day to day?

I will be working in a local orphanage with children that are desperate for love and attention. I will work with local school teachers planning and teaching lessons for the children Monday to Friday & planning extra curricular activities for the children to help them gain key skills that many of us take for granted. Many of the orphans are only babies and volunteers like me get the chance to show them the love they deserve. Whether it's a kiss and cuddle when they cry, a night time story or simply just teaching them how to share with others I will get the chance to provide them with the warm, loving environment that they may not have always had. 

On the weekends, once I have planned all my lessons I am free to explore nearby towns and beaches. Visit the local markets, climb a mountain, river raft, see untouched beaches, visit temples, see elephants and lions, waterfalls, national parks, get a henna tattoo, visit spice farms, do yoga (and finally I will breathe). Yeah, I think you get the jist - I just want to experience it all! Kerala I'm coming for ya.

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